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About Free Escape Games

Escape games, also known as escape room games, are a category of puzzle games that challenge players ⭕️ to use elements of the game environment to escape a confined environment. The concept was first popularized in Japan, where ⭕️ the first escape game, titled MOTAS (Mystery Of Time And Space), was released in the early 21st century. Designed by ⭕️ Toshimitsu Takagi in 2004, it sparked the global trend of escape games enjoyed by players of all ages today.

This genre ⭕️ of games brings the thrill and excitement of the real-life escape room experience to the digital world. Players can immerse ⭕️ themselves in various narratives, such as escaping from a spooky haunted house, a deserted island, a high-security prison, or even ⭕️ a mundane office.

Escape games also echo elements of pop culture. Can you imagine yourself in the shoes of Harry Houdini, ⭕️ the iconic escape artist? Or perhaps translate the adrenaline-pumping escape scenes from popular movie franchises such as Prison Break or ⭕️ The Shawshank Redemption?

What types of escape games are there?

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    Hours of Operation
    ​Tel: 01622736149
    Mob: 07771613741

    endereço:Rua Joaquim Maia,30- Pedregulho, Guaratinguetá SP Brasil
    Contate-nos:+55 31 959498335
    Monday - Saturday
    9:00am - 6:00pm

    Bookings only